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June 22, 2018
The future of waste management

New technology is being proposed to reduce the amount of materials being disposed of in the Oxford County landfill

In an effort to reduce the amount of solid waste going into the Oxford County landfill, Oxford County Public Works is seeking public input on unique technology that would be a game changer when it comes to reducing and recovering waste.

Enhanced Material Recovery & Biological Treatment has emerged as the preferred technology that aims to recover as much as 90% of the materials that end up in our landfill. Oxford County is looking for residents’ thoughts on the preferred technology and whether the idea resonates with their outlook on what the County should be doing to address our waste.

Recovering and diverting 90% of materials from the County’s waste stream would extend the lifespan of the Oxford County landfill to the year 2100.

What is Enhanced Material Recovery & Biological Treatment?

Using this unique but proven technology, garbage would be sorted with organics separated for processing in a manner which could produce biogas, biosolids and compost materials.

Other recyclable and recoverable materials like metals, plastics, construction and demolition materials would be separated and sold/distributed to various end markets.

The goal would be to have as little as 10% of the material left to be disposed of in the landfill.

Waste enters a facility where 90 per cent of the material is recovered resources. This includes organics which are processed by dry anaerobic digestion, wet aerobic digestion and composting. The anaerobic processes create biogas and biosolids. Recyclable and recoverable materials like metals, plastics, paper and construction material would be diverted from landfill. The remaining 10 per cent of residual waste would go to landfill, or alternative markets.

Provide your feedback

UPDATE (May 1, 2018): This campaign has now ended. Further details will be posted to in the months ahead. 

Oxford County wants to hear the thoughts and opinions of residents and businesses on the preferred technology to recover materials from being landfilled.

The questions we are asking residents in this campaign are:

  1. Does the preferred technology align with your outlook on what Oxford Submit your comments by clicking on this link County should be doing to address the waste being produced in the community?
  2. Would you support paying more (increases in bag tags, tipping fees, taxes, etc.) for zero waste initiatives like investing in waste reduction and recovery technology?
  3. Would you support implementation of waste reduction and recovery technology through a private/public partnership?
  4. What are you doing in your household/business to reduce the amount of waste you are producing?

Public meetings

Residents can learn more about the preferred technology approach, ask questions and provide their feedback at one of five upcoming public meetings.

A public meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 4 at the Oxford County Administration Building in Woodstock. The meeting will include a 20-minute presentation, followed by a question and answer session. 


Oxford County Administration Building – 21 Reeve St., Woodstock
Wednesday, April 4 - 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Council Chamber

Watch the online meeting:

Residents are also encouraged to visit an upcoming drop-in meeting at Oxford County Library branches where visual displays and staff will be on hand to explain the strategy, answer questions and receive public input.


Ingersoll Public Library – 130 Oxford Street
Wednesday, March 21 - 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.

Tillsonburg Public Library – 2 Library Lane
Thursday, April 5 - 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.

Embro Public Library – 135 Huron Steet
Wednesday, April 11 - 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.

Princeton Public Library – 25 Main Street
Tuesday, April 17 - 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.

Next Steps

  1. Between March 15, 2018 and April 30, 2018, Oxford County consulted the public on their preferred waste recovery and reduction technology system. This was done through town halls, municipal drop-ins, Speak Up, Oxford! and other avenues. The public responses are now being reviewed.
  2. Using the public feedback, a waste reduction and recovery technology system approach will be confirmed for recommendation.
  3. In June 2018 the recommended waste reduction and recovery technology system approach will be presented to council. With approval, the formal request for proposal process will begin.


Achieving zero waste is a goal of the Future Oxford Community Sustainability Plan, which includes a waste reduction and diversion strategy to ensure the County’s landfill disposal needs are met until the year 2100. The current expected lifespan of the County’s landfill is 2063.

In 2017, a series of waste audits were conducted to better understand the composition of the County’s waste. Concurrently, an assessment of Waste Recovery and Reduction Technologies was completed. This included a review of existing approaches to waste reduction, which were evaluated using the Future Oxford Multi-Criteria Analysis Tool.

Seven scenarios combining different types of technology were then evaluated, with a combination of Enhanced Material Recovery and Biological Treatment emerging as the best solution for Oxford County. Technologies were scored on Implementation, Environmental, Economy and Community factors.


Council Report - PW 2018-33 - Advancing Zero Waste - Recommended Waste Recovery and Reduction Technology Approach

Assessment of Waste Recovery and Reduction Technologies Phase 2: Request for Information - Final Study Report - May 2018

Public meeting presentation - Advancing Zero Waste - April 4, 2018

Council presentation - Advancing Zero Waste - March 14, 2018

Council report PW 2018-05 - Advancing Zero Waste - A Waste Recovery and Reduction Technology Assessment update

COVID-19: Oxford County follows guidance from Southwestern Public Health and the Government of Ontario. See updates on our programs and services at