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April 18, 2019
Development charges study and by-laws

Oxford's updated development charge by-laws were approved by Council on June 26, 2019


2019 development charges by-laws were passed at County Council on June 26, 2019. Review final development charge by-laws here

Read Council report CS 2019-25 – Development Charges Background Study and By-laws - 2019


Draft development charges background study coverOxford County's draft development charges study and by-laws have been updated based on public feedback over the past eight months. Now, with Council receiving the draft study and by-laws as part of its April 24 County Council agenda, the public has another opportunity to review and comment on the draft study and by-laws on or before the public meeting:

Wednesday, May 22, 2019
7:00 p.m.
Oxford County Council Chamber 

You can also send your comments for consideration through this page:  Link to "Send a comment now"

Development charges are the fees paid by new development to help finance the municipal infrastructure and services that are needed to support new growth in residential, commercial and industrial areas. Through development charges, municipalities are able to provide reliable and financially sustainable roads, water, wastewater, fire and ambulance, parks and more. The County’s development charges are required by legislation to be updated by summer 2019. 


Development Charges Background Study for Oxford County

Download the full Development Charges Background Study for Oxford County for Public Circulation and Comment (April 23, 2019 | Updated May 22, 2019)

Report by section:

Cover, Table of Contents & Acronyms and Abbreviations 
Chapter 1: Introduction  
Chapter 2: County of Oxford Current DC Policy  
Chapter 3: Anticipated Development in the County of Oxford  
Chapter 4: The Approach to the Calculation of the Charge  
Chapter 5: DC - Eligible Cost Analysis by Service  
Chapter 6: DC Calculation  
Chapter 7: DC Policy Recommendations and DC By-law Rules  
Chapter 8: Asset Management Plan  
Chapter 9: By-law Implementation  

Appendices A-E

Appendices F-O - Proposed DC by-laws with maps


Oxford County's development charge policy and by-laws are being updated in 2019

Oxford County’s development charges policies and by-laws* expire in July 2019. Last fall, we reached out to developers, businesses, industry and other municipal partners to ask how development charges can continue to support economic growth while offering affordability, transparency and accountability to communities.

Now, we are asking you to comment on the draft policy as we update the development charges by-laws based on feedback received since the last development charge review and stakeholder sessions held in August and September 2018. Joint stakeholder sessions in 2019 are being held with participating municipalities* on the following dates:

TILLSONBURG                                              WOODSTOCK 
Thursday, March 21, 2019 - 4:00 p.m.          Monday, March 25, 2019 - 4:00 p.m. 

Tillsonburg Community Centre                       County Council Chambers 
Marwood Room, 45 Hardy Avenue                 21 Reeve Street

Not able to attend the sessions? You can still send a comment through Speak Up, Oxford!   

Button to "send a comment now"

* Note: The current development charge consultation process includes Oxford County, Blandford-Blenheim, Ingersoll, East Zorra-Tavistock, Norwich, South-West Oxford, Tillsonburg and Zorra. 

Stakeholder presentation and local detailed findings

Joint stakeholder information session: Oxford County & Area Municipalities Development Charges Background Study | Watson & Associates Economists Ltd. (Mar 21 & Mar 25)

County of Oxford Draft Findings

Township of Blandford-Blenheim Draft Findings

Township of East Zorra-Tavistock Draft Findings

Town of Ingersoll Draft Findings

Township of Norwich Draft Findings

Township of South-West Oxford

Town of Tillsonburg Draft Findings

Township of Zorra Draft Findings



What are development charges?

Development charges are the fees paid by new development to help finance growth-related capital projects so that County infrastructure and services can be expanded and upgraded to serve our growing communities in a financially sustainable manner. They help pay for growth in a community, ensuring that our high standards and quality of life extend into new housing and commercial and industrial developments. This includes reliable and sustainable roads, water, wastewater, fire and ambulance, parks and more.

What is the development charge review?

The County and the area municipalities (with the exception of Woodstock) are conducting a development charge by-law consultation process, including meetings to advise stakeholders how they can learn more about the consultation opportunities, Development Charges Background Study process, methodology, draft findings, and proposed development charges by-law policy for new by-laws that will take effect in mid-2019.

Why are municipalities asking for feedback about development charges?

The Development Charges Act 1997 authorizes municipalities to pass by-laws to collect development charges and requires these by-laws to be re-enacted after a period of five years. To pass new by-laws, the municipalities are required to undertake a background study and hold a public meeting to inform the public about any changes.
     Feedback from the public, particularly those who are directly affected by any changes, helps us understand the impact of growth-projections, service inclusions and policy on development charges. With your input, we can ensure our practices are working fairly to better our community.

How can the community give input during the development charge review process?

Oxford County and the participating area municipalities have scheduled four joint stakeholder meetings over the course of the current development charges review:

Joint stakeholder sessions were held in 2018 to advise stakeholders about the process and considerations for the development charges review process. These meetings took place in: 

  • Tillsonburg - August 13, 2018
  • Woodstock -September 5, 2018   

Download the presentation: "Oxford County & Area Municipalities Development Charges Background Study"  

Joint stakeholder sessions are being held now to allow stakeholders and the public to comment on the draft development charge policy. See times and locations at top of this page

  • Tillsonburg - March 21, 2019
  • Woodstock - March 25, 2019

Members of the public can send a comment through Speak Up, Oxford! at any time during the consultation period.

Thumbnail of fact sheet, "Who pays for growth?"Timeline

  • Aug-Sept 2018: Joint stakeholder consultations | Download the presentation
  • March 2019: Joint stakeholder consultations
  • April 2019: Public meeting at Oxford County Council to allow final comment on the proposed development charges policies and rates for Oxford County purposes. Area municipal public meetings will be held at Council meetings for each of the area municipalities (Blandford-Blenheim, Ingersoll, East Zorra-Tavistock, Norwich, South-West Oxford, Tillsonburg and Zorra)
  • July 2019: New development charge policy and rates approval



Questions? Please contact Customer Service or send your question through the Speak Up, Oxford! form.

COVID-19: Oxford County follows guidance from Southwestern Public Health and the Government of Ontario. See updates on our programs and services at