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Programs and Services
Businesses that are on an existing collection route may be eligible for the curbside collection program. See more in the business section below.
Oxford County does not offer commercial bin service. Contact a private waste company for more details.
Businesses located on an existing residential collection route are able to participate in the curbside collection program as long as they meet the following set-out requirements:
Oxford County’s waste management program works with Industrial, Commercial and Institutional (IC&I) customers to provide services that help them reduce the amount of waste they send to landfill. The Ontario Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks requires the Industrial, Commercial and Institutional (IC&I) sector to do their part to reduce, reuse and recycle as much as possible.
For more information and resources, visit the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks's IC&I Waste Reduction website.
The Industrial, Commercial and Institutional (IC&I) sector is encouraged to utilize the County's specialty recycling depots located at the Oxford County Waste Management Facility (landfill).
If your business or institution is a frequent visitor to the Waste Management Facility (landfill) and you are interested in setting up a pre-paid account, complete a Waste Management Facility user account information application.
If you own or operate a business such as an independent/franchise variety/convenience store or grocery store, drugstore, independent retail outlet, or 24-hour business, you may want to consider becoming a bag tag vendor.
Do's and Don’ts of Selling Bag Tags at your Business
If interested, please read and sign the letter of understanding/application for bag tag vendors and submit your information to Oxford County.
Already a bag tag vendor and need support or more tags? Contact Customer Service at 519-539-9800 | 1-800-755-0394 or email: info@wasteline.ca
Looking for a bag tag vendor in your area? See a list of vendors in your area.
General waste reduction tips:
The Greater Toronto Airports Authority and Toronto and Region Conservation Authority have a Waste Management Toolkit for businesses to follow by engaging their employees. To find out more, follow the link here