2012 Annual Report

Growing Stronger Together

Located in the heart of southwestern Ontario, Oxford County is home to 106,000 people across eight municipalities "growing stronger together" through a two-tiered, partnership-oriented government, the County of Oxford. Oxford County offers a growing business sector, thriving arts and culinary tourism, 100 km of scenic trails, and a choice location at Highways 401 and 403. Visit www.oxfordcounty.ca or follow us at twitter.com/oxfordcounty

Contact Information Regular Version

  • 2,040 square kilometres
  • 106,000 residents
  • 2012 budget: $191 million


Oxford County's vision is one of vibrant communities working well and growing stronger together.

  • + Joint message from Warden & CAO

    Although the Oxford County's Strategic Plan officially launches in 2013, the groundwork of setting our new strategic directions is rooted in 2012. The decision to pursue a dynamic, more engaging online format for the 2012 Annual Report is a reflection of a renewed commitment to innovation, engagement and customer service, the underpinnings our plans for future growth.

    For more than 30 years, Oxford's area municipalities have been working together for the people who live in, work in, or visit our communities: Blandford-Blenheim, East Zorra-Tavistock, Ingersoll, Norwich, South-West Oxford, Tillsonburg, Woodstock and Zorra. Celebrating our achievements and reporting on our operational commitments through the annual report -- which next year will include a Strategic Plan progress report -- is a key demonstration of how we are "growing stronger, together."

    Don McKay
    Warden, County of Oxford
    Mayor, Township of East Zorra-Tavistock

    Peter Crockett, P. Eng.
    Chief Administrative Officer
    County of Oxford

  • + Message from the Treasurer

    Through a total budget of $190.8 million in 2012, County worked to provide a range of services that make Oxford a great place to live, work and visit. Aside from meeting the increased demand for social and health services experienced in tough economic times, the County invested nearly $20.6 million in capital expenditures to maintain roads, improve water and wastewater systems, and support other projects that ensure safe and reliable municipal infrastructure.

    Moving forward in 2013, the County is strengthening its commitment to sound financial management through a new risk management framework, a self-insurance program, and efforts to seek greater public engagement in the budget planning process. Please watch for more information in the fall and let us know your comments or questions.

    Lynn Buchner
    Director of Corporate Services
    County of Oxford

  • + Senior Management Team

    Peter M. Crockett, Chief Administrative Officer.
    (CAO/Clerk's Office)

    Lynn Buchner, Director, Corporate Services.
    (Finance, Information Systems, County Library, County Archives, Provincial Offences Administration, Customer Service, Legislative Services)

    Lynn Beath, Director, Public Health & Emergency Services.
    (Public Health, Land Ambulance, Emergency, 9-1-1, Emergency Planning & Management)

    Robert Walton, Director, Public Works.
    (Water & Wastewater, County Roads, Waste Management, County Facilities/Lands, Construction)

    Paul Beaton, Corporate Manager, Human Services.
    (Social Assistance, Shelter, Children's Services)

    Corrie Fransen, Corporate Manager, Woodingford Lodge.
    (Site Administrator for Woodstock, Ingersoll & Tillsonburg)

    Gordon Hough, Corporate Manager, Community & Strategic Planning.
    (Development Planning, Long Range/Strategic Planning, Land Division)

    Amy Smith, Acting Corporate Manager, Human Resources.
    (Labour Relations, Employee Relations, Recruitment, Health & Safety, Employee Health/Benefits, Job Evaluation)

Oxford County Council 2010-2014

Oxford County Council is made up of the mayors of each of the eight local area municipalities plus two additional councillors from the City of Woodstock, the largest population centre in the County. To learn more visit www.oxfordcounty.ca/yourcouncil

  • Don McKay

    Don McKay


    Mayor, Township of East Zorra-Tavistock

    519-539-9800 x3003

  • Margaret Lupton

    Margaret Lupton

    Acting Warden

    Mayor, Township of Zorra


  • Marion Wearn

    Marion Wearn


    Mayor, Township of Blandford-Blenheim


  • Ted Comiskey

    Ted Comiskey


    Mayor, Town of Ingersoll

    519-485-0120 x2235

  • Donald Doan

    Donald Doan


    Mayor, Township of Norwich


  • David Mayberry

    David Mayberry


    Mayor, Township of South-West Oxford


  • John Lessif

    John Lessif


    Mayor, Town of Tillsonburg

    519-688-3009 x3234

  • Pat Sobeski

    Pat Sobeski


    Mayor, City of Woodstock

    519-539-2382 x2100

  • Deborah Tait

    Deborah Tait


    Councillor, City of Woodstock


  • Sandra Talbot

    Sandra Talbot


    Councillor, City of Woodstock



Oxford County is making a difference

For Quality of Life

  • 1,137

    Children receiving
    licensed day care

  • 628

    Subsidized public
    housing units

  • 7,465

    visits to well
    baby clinics

  • 1,821

    Public Health

  • 5,668

    Oxford residents and families aided through
    financial and employment supports

  • 10,000

    Patients annually receiving
    paramedic services

  • 548

    Not-for-profit housing units

  • 10,339


  • 228

    Long-term care beds

By Providing Services You Use

  • $57,000,000+

    Dollars spent in oxford
    county annually

Provincial Offences Court
  • 10,000

    Matters scheduled for
    provincial offences court

  • 19,000

    charges processed

  • 13


  • 260,000

    Approximate in-person visits

  • 407,000

    Items Loaned

In Maintaining Infrastructure

  • 614

    Kilometres of
    county roads

  • 160


  • 18

    Municipal water systems
    serving 80,000 people

  • 11

    Wastewater systems
    serving 70,000 people

In Shaping Our Future

  • 345

    Hectares of forest under
    County stewardship

  • Partnering on oxford immigration strategy,
    master aging plan & western ontario warden's
    rural broadband feasibility initiative

  • Vibrant and visionary policy through
    an official plan that allows our
    community to grow strategically

  • Robust capital program to
    protect and maintain vital
    municiapl infrastructure

2012 Achievements

Oxford County works to meet the needs and collective interests of our communities, residents and businesses through customer-focused services that improve quality of life.

Quality of life

  • + A health snapshot for Oxford County

    Public Health releases the Community Picture Report 2011, a Healthy Communities initiative that offers a comprehensive look at the health status of Oxford County citizens and identifies our local health priorities.


  • + Oxford County EMS first in NA to use new technology for sudden cardiac arrests

    Oxford County EMS announces its paramedics are the first in North America to use a revolutionary new technology for sudden cardiac arrest, having successfully resuscitated a County resident.


  • + Oxford County's defibrillator program saves a life

    A recognition ceremony is held in the fall to commemorate the save of an Oxford County resident through emergency CPR and the use of an automated external defibrillator. More than 53 public AEDs have been installed in the County since the program was launched in 2007 and more than 500 people have received CPR training.


Providing services you use

  • + Expanding online services

    The County launches two major websites in 2012: www.WelcometoOxford.ca, a site to help new Canadians locate to Oxford County, and www.HealthInspectOxford.ca, which shares health inspection results for local food establishments. Oxford County Library also launches a Facebook page, kicking off a year of online enhancements that will see a revamped website and expanded social media presence by early 2013.


  • + Council approves plan for Tillsonburg Public Library to join Oxford County Library system

    County Council endorses a plan to for the Tillsonburg Public Library to the Oxford County Library system in January 2013.Tillsonburg's library undergoes renovations and upgrades once it officially joins, bringing the total number of County branches to 14.


  • + Oxford County's first annual report

    Oxford County's first annual report is released in June as part of the County's commitment to providing more meaningful information about its activities and the value it provides to citizens for their tax dollars.


Maintaining infrastructure

  • + 35,000 rural residents connected to high-speed internet

    About 35,000 rural residents, roughly a third of all of Oxford County, gain access to high-speed Internet service with the completion of the Rural Oxford Connections project. The two-year, $3-million project was supported through Ontario's strategy to bring broadband access to rural and remote areas under serviced in southern Ontario.


  • + Future of cycling in Oxford County

    A public information session is held in the spring to get input on cycling needs and how to promote cycling as transportation. Cycling policies are presented to Council as part of Oxford County's Transportation Master Plan in October 2012, which paves the way for the Oxford Cycling Advisory Committee to be formed in early 2013.


  • + Public Works launches online tool to help promote water conservation

    As part of a summer campaign to conserve municipal water, Public Works launches an online tool that allows residents to track the status of their local water system. County residents use about 250 million litres of water annually on lawn and garden watering, making it one of the biggest uses of municipal water.


Shaping our future

  • + County states position on proposed landfill in Zorra Township

    County Council passes a resolution in April stating its opposition to a large-scale landfill that would affect several area municipalities. A copy of that resolution is submitted to Government of Ontario officials and party critics. The County further seeks a moratorium on future landfill construction until sustainable alternatives are reviewed.


  • + Employees recognized for long-term service

    A total of 84 employees are recognized at County Council for service milestones


  • + Annual Stewardship Award honours

    The fourth annual Oxford Stewardship Award is presented to a Zorra family for their conservation efforts. The Stewardship Award honours those who help protect the quality of Oxford's soil, water and air through a public acknowledgment and an original award token created by a local artist who is selected each year.


  • + County Council approves 2013 budget before start of fiscal year

    Council and Administration work to finalize the 2013 budget before the start of the new fiscal year, giving programs a firm sense of their budget envelope on January 1. Under the 2013 budget, the average homeowner will pay $928.05 for County programs and services, $10 less than the amount of last year's tax bill.


Your dollars at work

2012 Budget

General Revenue $114,730,385
Other Sources $23,635,690
Property Taxes $52,469,011


Oxford County
2012 Revenue Sources

  • Property Taxes 28%
  • Province 23%
  • Water/Sewer Rates 15%
  • User Fees 13%
  • Reserve Transfer 7%
  • Other Revenues 6%
  • New Debt 5%
  • Federal 2%
  • Development Charges 1%

Oxford County
2012 Expenditure Distribution

  • Human Services 19%
  • Wastewater 15%
  • Water 15%
  • Roads 13%
  • Woodingford Lodge 13%
  • Solid Waste 6%
  • Emergency Services 5%
  • Public Health 5%
  • Other 5%
  • Library 2%
  • Facilities 1%
  • Planning 1%

Average Gross Expenditures per Household

  • Human Services
  • Wastewater*
  • Water*
  • Roads
  • Woodingford Lodge
  • Solid Waste
  • Emergency Services
  • Public Health
  • Other
  • Library
  • Facilities
  • Planning

*not all households are connected to water and wastewater

Comparative Tax Levies for 2011 & 2012 Taxes on an Average Residential Property





2012 Consolidated financial Statements

For the fiscal period ending December 31, 2012

Download the
2012 consolidated
financial statements

2012 Annual report

For the County of Oxford
Ontario, Canada

If you have questions about this report or are seeking permission to reproduce sections of the report, please contact customerservice@oxfordcounty.ca

county building

21 Reeve Street, Woodstock, ON N4S 7Y3
519-539-9800 • 1-800-755-0394