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What do I do with:
Old clothes can be donated to a variety of community donation organizations throughout Oxford County or brought to the Oxford County Waste Management Facility to be recycled or reused.
Click here to see bulk styrofoam section
Up to 20 tires at a time can be recycled for each resident. Tires can be on rims but shredded tires or tires that are too dirty will be charged a tipping fee. Refer to the Oxford County Waste Management Facility webpage for current rates and tire webpage below for more details.
Click here to see Film Plastic Pilot Program.
Click here to see bale wrap section
Wipe (erase) hard drives before dropping them off at the Oxford County Waste Management Facility
Small appliances that have more metal than plastic content can be put into the scrap metal bin. Otherwise, the appliances are landfilled and tipping fees apply.
384060 Salford Road, Salford, ON N0J 1W0
Open hours for are Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., and Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.
Four out of five households have at least one electronic item they want to get rid of. You can safely dispose of e-waste at the electronic waste depot at the Oxford County Waste Management Facility (landfill).
Scrap metal and white goods appliances can be taken year-round to the Oxford County Waste Management Facility (landfill).
Note: Items which contain Freon or may have contained Freon will be subject to $10.00/unit surcharge unless properly tagged by an authorized Freon removal technician.
Tires are recycled for things like surfacing walking trails, sidewalks and driveways, roofing shingles, swings and playground equipment, athletic field turf and paving materials.
Tires are accepted at the Oxford County Waste Management Facility if they are on or off the rim and must be clean. The facility will accept a maximum of 20 tires per day per person. For large loads or over sized tires, please contact the Waste Management Facility (landfill).
On-road passenger and light truck tires:
New program regulations, alternate locations for drop off, use the RPRA website.
Fees – Clean tires are accepted at no charge if they are not part of a load that contains other garbage. Dirty tires may be subject to tipping fees.
Old clothes can be reused by bringing them to a variety of community donation organizations throughout Oxford County, or they can be brought to the landfill to be recycled or reused depending on their quality.
Oxford County has partnered with Diabetes Canada to reuse and recycle old textiles. Please visit their website for program rules.
Unacceptable materials include sports equipment and textile items that do not fit inside the bin.
Oxford County offers film plastic recycling at four depot locations as part of a pilot program: Waste Management Facility, Tillsonburg Transfer Station, Beachville Fire Hall and the Woodstock EnviroDepot.
Like many municipalities, Oxford County no longer accepts plastic film as part of its municipal Blue Box Program due to the limited availability of recycling end markets for this type of material. As well, these materials are generally problematic and can damage mechanical recyclable processing equipment and easily contaminate other recyclables. The more material rejected in the recycling process, the more material ultimately added to the landfill.
Although the municipal blue box program is no longer a viable option for plastic film recycling, a pilot project was implimented which allows Oxford County residents to drop off film plastic at any of the four depot locations identified above, free of charge.
The pilot program aims to determine how much film plastic can be separated from the waste stream and ultimately diverted from the landfill.
Oxford County continues to encourage residents to reduce the use of film plastics by:
What material is accepted and not accepted in the Film Plastic Pilot Program:
Agricultural bale wrap is no longer accepted for recycling at the Oxford County Waste Management Facility where it would be waste and charged accordingly. Bale wrap can be recycled through Switch Energy Corp., which will come to your location to pick up the material.
Switch Energy Corp collects the wrap, cleans and conditions the used film so that it can be reintroduced back into the plastic industry. Switch Energy Corp. is located in Clinton, Ontario and can be reached by phone at 519-524-0193 or via their website.
Styrofoam, also known as expanded polystyrene (EPS), is used as protective packaging for electronics and appliances. Polystyrene brought to the Waste Management Facility for disposal will be recycled for use in products like picture frames, construction material, packaging and synthetic lumber.
Bulky, rigid expanded polystyrene foam packaging (Styrofoam) found in packaging from computers, electronics, appliances and toys
Accepted material must be:
The following Styrofoam materials are not acceptable for recycling and can be disposed as garbage
Do you have a large quantity of bulky, rigid white Styrofoam to dispose of? If you have more than 2 cubic metres of bulky Styrofoam to recycle, please contact Second Wind Recycling to organize a direct haul from your site. Second Wind Recycling is based in St. Thomas, Ontario and can be reached by phone at 519-494-4984 or via their website at: http://www.secondwindrecycling.com
Using the recycling depot is the same as using your personal blue box, with the same requirements and material limitations. Bagged recycling is not permitted. Cardboard must be flattened to put it in the cardboard bin although size restrictions do not apply
For more information review the program rules here.