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Mutton Chops

Mutton chops are the growth of long sideburns which extend down towards the chin, the shape of which resembles a mutton chop (cut of meat from sheep that has a bone sticking out). Mutton chops were originally a style of facial hair popularly worn in England, but its popularity spread to North America by the early 1800s. If mutton chops are connected by a mustache they are known as “friendly mutton chops”.

John Barwick – 1857 – 1858 (Blandford)

Born in Dublin, Ireland, John Barwick came to Canada with his father, who was a major in the Seventy-Ninth Highlanders. They would eventually settle on the 2nd Concession, Blandford Township. He was one of the oldest magistrates of the County and was prominent all his life in local affairs. He took an active interest in the North Oxford Agricultural Society where he served as President for several years, and also, served for one year as the President of the Provincial Agricultural Association. He was Lieut.-Colonel of the Second Battalion of the Oxford Militia, as well as an agent for the Trust and Loan Company of Toronto. A staunch conservative, he once contested North Oxford for the old Legislature of Canada prior to Confederation. He served on both the District of Brock Council and the Oxford County Council, where he was elected Warden in 1857 and 1858.

Mr. Barwick was also a Census Commissioner for the County of Oxford and Wester District on two occasions when the decennial census was taken. He was appointed postmaster at Drumbo and held that position until his untimely death on September 13, 1899.

He was also an enthusiastic member of Old St. Paul’s Church, Woodstock and took an active interest in its welfare. The Woodstock Sentinel-Review, noted “...that in all matters of a municipal, political, church of domestic character, Mr. Barwick was in frequent request as an authority and wise-counsellor”. (W-SR, FP September 14, 1899)

Hulihee or Side Whiskers

Side whiskers are related to mutton chops but grown to a more extreme length. Side whiskers tend to extend beyond the jaw line. The early 1800s brought about the trend of side whiskers. The trend became so popular in Europe and North America that merchants began selling fake whiskers for men to wear who could not grow substantial hair on their faces. If they are connected by a mustache, such as this style worn by Warden Prouse; it is officially called a “Hulihee” beard. Its name derives from the Hulihe’e Palace in Kailua-Kona, Hawaiʻi. Hulihe’e was the summer palace of the last king of the Kingdom of Hawai’i, King Kalākaua. Kalākaua wore a beard in this style.

Thomas Prouse – 1896 (Dereham Township)

Born on December 26, 1844 in Devonshire England, Thomas Prouse immigrated to Canada in 1846. He farmed at Lot 10 Concession 6 Township of Dereham. He would first serve on County Council in 1885, and would hold the positions of 2nd Deputy Reeve, Deputy Reeve and Reeve for the Township of Dereham until 1899. He would be elected Warden in 1896.

Mr. Prouse was a trusted member of the Mt. Elgin Methodist Church for 40 years, where he served as a board member for 23 years, as well as superintendent of the Sunday school for many years. In his later years, he served as president of the Dereham and West Oxford Fire Insurance Company. He passed away on May 7, 1912.