Your Government Corporate performance Municipal Modernization Reviews

Municipal Modernization Reviews

Ontario’s Municipal Modernization Fund

In March 2019, the Government of Ontario announced the Municipal Modernization Fund to help small and rural municipalities deliver more modern and efficient services.

To date, Oxford County has received $1.35 million in total Modernization Funding, which has been used for a service delivery review among Oxford County and the eight local area municipalities; a Paramedic Services redeployment review; website upgrades; and, information technology to support community planning, human resources, GIS services, tourism visitor information and more.

Modernization funding is awarded through two intake streams: a Review stream to fund service delivery, administrative expenditures or budget reviews; and an Implementation stream to undertake projects that increase municipal efficiency and effectiveness based on the findings of previous reviews or evidence-based reports. As a recipient of modernization funds from the Review Stream, the County is required to post for the public completed third-party service review reports.

Completed service review reports

Joint Water and Wastewater Service Delivery Review
October 2021 - February 2022

The Water and Wastewater Service Delivery Review is a joint project between Oxford County, the Town of Tillsonburg and the City of Woodstock to examine the current service delivery model for water distribution and wastewater collection compared to several alternate service models based on a variety of operational, financial, risk and organizational metrics.

Modernization funding was used to engage an independent consultant to conduct the review. The final report recommends the County assume all operating authority responsibility based on the assessed overall benefit to the County and its residents. This model offers significant annual operating and maintenance savings and reuires relatively minor one-time transition capital costs.

Joint Water and Wastewater Service Delivery Review- Final Report
Abstract: Joint Water and Wastewater Service Delivery Review

Oxford Regional Transportation Network Operations and Maintenance Service Delivery Review
October 2021 - February 2022

The Transportation Network Service Delivery Review is a joint project between Oxford County and its area municipalities to determine the most appropriate and cost-effective way of operating and maintaining the regional transportation network in Oxford County while maintaining or improving service levels.

Modernization funding was used to engage an independent consultant to conduct the review. The final report analyzed the County's current transportation service delivery model against three alternative service delivery models (centralized, localized and full asset download). The analysis considered operating, staffing and equipment impacts of each scenario. In addition to the scenario analysis, the consultant identified seven recommendations and developed a high-level prioritization plan for the County.

Oxford Regional Transportation Network Operations and Maintenance Service Delivery Review - Final Report
Abstract: Transportation Network Service Delivery Review

Oxford, Elgin and Perth Counties Joint Municipal Paramedic Service Deployment Review​
September 2021 – February 2022

The Paramedic Services Deployment Review is a joint project between Oxford, Elgin and Perth counties to review existing paramedic service deployment plans and operational strategies, examine effectiveness in terms of service and performance, and identify alternative approaches to improve levels of service and possible cost savings.

Modernization funding was used to engage an independent consultant to conduct the review. The final report made several recommendations, including the creation of an ongoing working group to oversee the implementation of multiple service-sharing agreements.

Joint Municipal Service Deployment Review - Final Report (March 2022)
Abstract: Paramedic Service Deployment Review (March 2022)

Joint County of Oxford, Town of Ingersoll and Town of Tillsonburg AP Digitization Process Review project
July 2021 – December 2021

The Accounts Payable Digitization Feasibility Review is a joint project among Oxford County, Town of Ingersoll and Town of Tillsonburg that is focused on finding efficiencies in how the municipalities manage accounts payable (how bills and payments are tracked, processed and paid).

Modernization funding was used to fund an independent consultant’s report that looked for efficiencies in staff time and physical storage used to manage the accounts payable process. The final report, which projected staff time savings of up to 43%, made a number of recommendations, including use of a robotic automation process and a business continuity plan to support these services.

AP Process Digitization - Final Report  (Dec 21, 2021)  
Abstract: AP Digitization Process Review (Jan 2022)