Business in Oxford Planning and Development Development Woodstock

City of Woodstock

City of Woodstock Zoning By-law No. 8626-10

The provisions and schedules of this by-law control the use of land in the Area Municipality

The City of Woodstock Zoning By-Law controls the use of land by dividing the municipality into different land use zones with detailed maps, specifying the uses permitted in each zone, specifying where buildings and other structures can be located, stating the types of buildings that are permitted and how they may be used, as well as specifying lot sizes and dimensions, parking requirements, building heights and setbacks from the street.

The contents of the Zoning By-Law reflect the latest consolidation of zoning by-law amendments, as of March 31, 2021. For up to date information on a specific property, please contact the Planner for the area municipality.

 TitleDescriptionModified DateSize
Council ApprovedA list of zoning bylaw amendments that have been approved by Council and are awaiting consolidation into the current zoning bylaw.6/1/2021798.86 KB
Final ApprovedA list of all zoning bylaw amendments that have been consolidated into the current zoning bylaw.6/1/2021306.04 KB
Title, Application, Administration & EnforcementSection 16/29/201615.96 KB
DefinitionsSection 29/24/2019303.78 KB
Definitions - IllustrationsSection 2 - Illustrations are for clarification purposes only and do not form part of this By-Law.3/1/2021208.97 KB
Interpretation and SchedulesSection 36/29/201620.33 KB
ZonesSection 46/29/201611.79 KB
General ProvisionsSection 59/24/2019510.90 KB
Residential Type 1 (R1)Section 65/8/2020253.57 KB
Residential Type 2 (R2)Section 76/1/2021296.60 KB
Residential Type 3 (R3)Section 8 6/1/2021334.24 KB
Residential Type 4 (R4) Section 911/27/2020271.81 KB
Historical District (HD)Section 10 6/29/201621.84 KB
Local Commercial (C1)Section 1111/27/2020337.68 KB
Shopping Centre Commercial (C2)Section 126/29/201631.60 KB
Entrepreneurial District (C3) Section 1311/27/2020404.96 KB
Highway Commercial (C4)Section 145/8/2020133.38 KB
Central Commercial (C5)Section 156/1/2021334.22 KB
Regional Commercial (C6)Section 166/1/2021276.43 KB
Prestige Industrial (M1)Section 17 5/8/2020322.38 KB
Restricted Industrial (M2)Section 185/8/2020217.73 KB
General Industrial (M3) Section 196/1/2021399.51 KB
Transitional Industrial (M4)Section 20 9/24/2019239.08 KB
Neighbourhood Institutional (NI)Section 2111/27/2020238.15 KB
Community Facility (CF) Section 229/24/2019305.89 KB
Passive Open Space (OS1) Section 239/24/2019134.89 KB
Active Open Space (OS2)Section 246/1/2021154.19 KB
Environmental Protection 1 (EP1)Section 256/29/201616.37 KB
Environmental Protection 2 (EP2)Section 266/29/201619.58 KB
Future Development (FD)Section 279/24/201984.70 KB
Planned Unit Development (PUD)Section 281/16/201727.48 KB
Agricultural (AG)Section 299/24/2019152.42 KB
Approval Section 306/29/2016238.22 KB


Key MapsSchedule A695.54 KB
Arterial Road Designation PlanSchedule B343.22 KB
Parking Space and Parking Aisle Requirement PlanSchedule C-136.90 KB
Parking Space and Parking Aisle Requirement PlanSchedule C-229.94 KB
Parking & Loading Space Reductions and ExemptionsSchedule D299.36 KB
Reduction & Exemption Plan - Misc. ProvisionsSchedule E39.24 KB
Temporary Use By-LawsSchedule F78.56 KB
Minister's Zoning OrderSchedule G8.78 KB
Accessible Parking StandardsSchedule H45.57 KB

Application Fees

Please check the current fee schedule prior to submission of your application.

Application Forms

Forms are available for the various types of development regulated by the Planning Act

Please print forms SINGLE SIDED.

Oxford County Woodland Conservation By-Law Form

Application Notices and Reports

Forms are available for the various types of development regulated by the Planning

B24-69-8; A24-19-8 - Oxford Business Solutions Inc.

Application for Consent and Minor Variance
Parcel 85-1, Section 336, Pt Lt 22, Conc. 2, Pt Rd Allowance btwn Conc. 1 & 2, Lts 87-90, Pt Lts 85, 86, 116-120, Plan 336
313 Tecumseh St

ZN 8-24-28 - Audrey Harris (Pittock Developments Inc)

Application for Zone Change
Pt Lt 5, Conc. 13 (East Zorra)
231 Pittock Park Road

ZN 8-24-26 - Calloway Real Estate Investment Trust Inc and Canadian Tire Properties Inc

Application for Zone Change
Pt of Lts 4, 5 and 6, Pl 41M82
465 and 499 Norwich Avenue

ZN 8-24-24 - 1441180 Ontario Inc

Application for Zone Change
Pt Lt 58-59, Pl 77, Pt 2, 41R5108
356 Kendall Ave

ZN 8-24-25 - John and Dawn Rowell

Application for Zone Change
Lt 8, Pl 73, Pt Lt 73, Pt 1 and 2, 41R328 and Pt 1, 41R5009
225 Norwich Avenue

ZN 8-24-06 - Seyed Mojtaba Tafreshi

Application for Zone Change
Pt Lt 50 Pl 216; Pt Park Lt 9 W/S Norwich Ave Pl 187 as in 449249
236 Norwich Ave Unit 2

OP 23-11-8; SB 23-06-8 & ZN 8-23-18 2729902 Ontario Inc

Application for Official Plan Amendment, Draft Plan of Subdivision and Zone Change
Pt Lt 9, Conc. 1 (Blandford), Pt 1, 41R4202
685691 Oxford Rd 2

B24-60-8; B24-61-8 - 2334488 Ontario Ltd. and Hy-Ton Enterprises Ltd.

Applications for Consent
Lt 1, Pt Lt 2, 10, 13, Plan 723, Pt Lt 17, Conc. 2 (Blandford), Pts 3-6, 41R8711 & Pt Lt 17, Conc. 2 (Blandford), Pt 2, 41R3429
925 & 951 Devonshire Ave

B24-52-8; A24-16-8 - Oxford Builders Inc.

Application for Consent and Minor Variance
Plan 36, Pt Lt 4
844 Water Street

ZN 8-24-23 - Jagjit Randhawa, Kuldeep Brar and 2167284 Ontario Inc

Application for Zone Change
Pt Lt 13, Conc. 1 (Blandford)
1634 Devonshire Avenue and 715133 Oxford Road 4

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Development Charges

In addition to the County Development Charges, most area municipalities in Oxford County also have Development Charges by-laws.

Development Charges

Who Pays For Growth
Development Charges Fact Sheet
Municipal Development Charges
Development Charges Annual Report 2018

Municipal By-Laws

6121-2019 County Wide Development Charge By-law
6122-2019 Woodstock Area Specific Development Charge By-law

Development Charges Background Study

The Development Charges Background Study provides the basis and background required to update the County's development charges to accurately reflect the future servicing needs of new development. The analysis assesses the development-related costs associated with the following County services:

  • Library 
  • Land Ambulance
  • Administration
  • Waste Diversion
  • Roads and Related
  • Water
  • Wastewater

Development Activity

These maps show the status of residential development within the Area Municipality