General Privacy & Terms of Use Privacy MFIPPA Privacy


To protect the privacy of clients, tenants, patients and employees of the County of Oxford, the MFIPPA places certain restrictions on the collection, use and disclosure of personal information. 

Both the internal sharing of information within the organization and the external sharing of information outside of the organization is limited by the Act.
Section 32 of the Act provides that an institution shall not share personal information in its custody or under its control except:        
  • with the consent of the individual to whom the information relates (for an individual who is a minor, seriously ill or mentally incapacitated, consent may be obtained from a legal guardian or power of attorney);
  • for the purpose for which it was obtained or for a consistent purpose; 
  • if the disclosure is made to another County employee who needs the information in the performance of his/her work duties (employees do not have an automatic right to access personal information by virtue of their employment in a certain department or program);
  • for the purpose of complying with any statute;
  • if disclosure is to a law enforcement agency to aid an investigation;
  • in compelling or compassionate circumstances affecting the health or safety of an individual or to facilitate contact with the spouse, close relative or friend of an individual who is injured, ill or deceased; or
  • to the provincial or federal government in order to facilitate the auditing of shared cost programs.

Complaints or inquiries about the County’s privacy policies and/or practices relating to the handling of personal information should be directed to the Legislative Services Coordinator who will investigate all complaints.  If you are still not satisfied, you have the right to Appeal.

Contact Information

For more information about access and privacy at the County of Oxford, see Access and Privacy Policy No. 8.9 or contact the Legislative Services Coordinator, Department of Corporate Services at 21 Reeve Street, P.O. Box 1614, Woodstock, ON, N4S 7Y3 or (519) 539-9800 (ext. 3017) or 1-800-755-0394 or .