General Privacy & Terms of Use Terms of Use Disclaimer


Some of the information contained on this website has been provided by external sources. The County of Oxford is not responsible for the contents of any linked sites. The County of Oxford is not responsible for the quality, merchantability or fitness of particular products or services available on external sites and listed or described on our menu. Links or references to other websites does not constitute or imply endorsement or approval by the County of Oxford.

The County of Oxford makes no representations about the accuracy, reliability, currency or completeness of the information contained on the website. While we make every attempt to verify the content, reliance upon any materials on this site shall be at your own risk.

The County of Oxford assumes no responsibility for damages or loss arising either directly or indirectly from use of this site.

Links to External Websites

The County's website includes links to external websites. The County includes these links as a courtesy to the user and takes no responsibility whatsoever for the privacy practices of these websites. The County's privacy statement applies solely to information collected or handled in this website or on the County’s subsidiary websites. From time-to-time our site may request information from you via an external page, such as in the case of surveys or event/clinic registration. Participation in providing information to these pages is completely voluntary and you have a choice of whether or not to disclose the information requested. You should take steps to ensure your comfort with the privacy policies and security of these websites before providing any personal information to them. The information will be used solely for the specified purpose by the County of Oxford.