Your Government Newsroom News Details


June 03, 2016
Developer information session - energy efficient affordable housing

Oxford County Human Services is hosting a free developer information session to provide information about Oxford County’s interest in raising the bar for efficiency standards in new multi-residential affordable housing projects. 

Jamie Shipley (CMHC expert on Net Zero), Lloyd Grinham (Architect practicing sustainability), and Harry Blinkhorn (County of Wellington project manager) will be highlighting the importance of various energy programs and standards over the course of the session. Lunch will be provided.


When: Wednesday, June 29, 2016, from 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Where: The Woodstock Art Gallery (Community Gallery)


R.S.V.P. to Jamie Stephens by June 20 to attend the event 
519-539-9800 ext. 3302