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2019 Transportation Master Plan
June 24, 2019
2019 Transportation Master Plan

Start Date: September 2016 
Completion Date:  January 2020

A strategic planning document that outlines and defines the policies, programs and infrastructure modifications needed to manage anticipated transportation demands to the year 2038 and beyond.

Start Date: September 2016
Completion Date: January 2020


The County of Oxford Transportation Master Plan (TMP) is a strategic planning document that outlines and defines the policies, programs and infrastructure modifications needed to manage anticipated transportation demands to the year 2038 and beyond.


The TMP is a multi-modal plan focusing on all modes of transportation including walking, cycling, public transportation (i.e. transit, intercommunity bus, commuter rail), automobiles, motorcycles, etc. The TMP also supports provisions for freight/goods government, agricultural mobility, corridor access management and low carbon transportation.

For more information on the Transportation Master Plan, visit the TMP Speak Up Oxford Page