Service System Managers are required to develop a Child Care and Early Years Service System Plan in accordance with provincial requirements under the Child Care and Early Years Act (CCEYA) and submit to the Ministry of Education. This plan must be updated at least every five years, and child and family programs must be consulted on the development and implementation of plans.
The community planning process in Oxford County involved the engagement of a wide range of stakeholders, including parents/caregivers, service providers, school boards, current child and family program providers, and other community partners. The community planning process resulted in a clear identification of priorities, and created a blueprint for the development of this Child Care and Early Years Service System Plan.
Oxford County is committed to working with our community partners to enhance the quality of life for all of our citizens, even the youngest among us. Through the management of the licensed childcare system, the ongoing support of the special needs resourcing program and collaboration with family support programs, Oxford County continues to offer programs, services and resources that respond to the needs of children and families in our community.
Child care and Early Years Service System Plan
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Report contact
Lynda Bartlett
Manager, Human Services
519-539-9800, ext. 3334 | 1-800-755-0394
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